Last Updated:
06/03/2024 - 10:37

Recent Publications by the DISCORE Team

(ordered alphabetically by last name and bolded)


Bozbıyık, M., Balaman, U. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024). Displays of Co-Constructed Content Knowledge using Translanguaging in Breakout and Main Sessions of online EMI classrooms, Linguistics and Education,

Demirören, M., Bozbıyık, M., & Turan, S. (2024). A conversation analytic investigation into displays of expertise of different tutors in small group clinical skills training. Linguistics and Education, 79, 101264.

Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y.,  Efeoğlu-Özcan, E. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024). Media Representations of Olympic Sportswomen in Turkey: From 'the National Pride' to 'the Daughters' of us. In K. File and S. Schnurr (Eds.), The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion in Sports (pp. 171-192). De Gruyter.

Mısır, H. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024). Translanguaging dynamics in the digital landscape: insights from a social media corpus. Language Awareness, 09658416.2023.2285401


Aytaç-Demirçivi, K. & Işık-Güler, H. (2023). ‘Tiny but Mighty’ Conversational Elements: Explicating Non-lexical Backchannels in Spoken Turkish. Dilbilim Araştırmaları [Journal of Linguistics Research],

Bozbıyık, M. (2023). Displays of Co-Constructed Content Knowledge using Translanguaging in EMI university classrooms [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

Bozbıyık, M. & Balaman, U. (2023). The role of translingual peer involvement in resolving understanding troubles in the English medium of instruction classroom. System,  113, 103003. 

Bozbıyık, M. & Morton, T. (2023). Lecturers' use of examples in online university English-medium instruction: a micro-analytic classroom interaction and knowledge-building perspective. Language and Education 

Erdoğan-Öztürk, Yasemin & Sağın-Şimşek, Çiğdem (2023). Language ideologies and stancetaking in refugee identity negotiations: exploring multilingual refugees' narratives of language use in Turkey. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

Mısır, H. (2023). Vlog as a Multimodal Translanguaging Space: Insights From A Turkish Social Media Influencer Corpus (SMIC) [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. METU, Ankara, Turkey.

Stadler, S., Işık-Güler, H. & Spencer-Oatey, H. (2023). Intercultural Discourse: Identity Perspectives on Business Interaction. In Handford, M. & Gee, J.P (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis (Second edition). Routledge.

Turan, P. & Yiğitoğlu Aptoula, N. (2023). Between teacher candidates' reflection and teacher educators' evaluation: Fluctuations in epistemic (a)symmetry in feedback conversations. Modern Language Journal, 107, 4.


Bozbıyık, M. & Morton, T. (2022). Transitioning between ‘Outside’ and ‘Inside’ Knowledge in an Online University EMI Chemistry Course. Applied Linguistics 

Bozbıyık, M. & Can Daşkın, N. (2022). Peer involvement in dealing with teacher's insufficient response to student initiatives. Linguistics and Education, 69.

Çimenli, B., Sert, O. & Jenks, C. (2022). Topic maintenance in video-mediated virtual exchanges: Rolling the ball back in L2 interactions. System, 108.

Efeoğlu-Özcan, E. (2022). The Corpus of Turkish Youth Language (CoTY): The compilation and interactional dynamics of a spoken corpus [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. METU, Ankara, Turkey. 

Efeoglu-Özcan, E. (2022). Pull the weeds out or perish: Using pandemic metaphors to strengthen in-group solidarity in Turkish political discourse. Metaphor and Symbol, 37(2), 171-84.

Baş, M., & Efeoğlu-Özcan, E.(2022). How to pass this exam? Dealing with COVID-19 through metaphors in Turkish online public discourse, In A. Musolff, R. Breeze, K. Kondo, & S. Vilar-Lluch (Eds.), Pandemic and Crisis Discourse: Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy (pp. 207-222). Bloomsbury.

Ege, F., Yüksel, D. & Curle, S.(2022). A corpus-based analysis of discourse strategy use by English-Medium Instruction university lecturers in Turkey. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 58. 

Hırçın-Çoban, M. & Çimenli, B.(2022). Collaborative turn construction in paired speaking tests across different proficiency levels. Classroom Discourse

Işık-Güler, H. & Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y.(2022). 'Gender equality discourse is the glass ceiling we hit here': Women's academic leadership narratives in a gender-sensitive university context in Turkey. In Mullany, L. and Schnurr, S. (Eds.), Globalisation, Geopolitics and Gender: Professional Communication at Work. Routledge.şık-güler-yasemin-erdoğan-öztürk 

Karabacak, G. (2022). A Metapragmatic Account of Madilik, Madikoli and Gullüm in Turkish Queer Communication. [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. METU, Ankara, Turkey. 

Mısır, H. & Işık-Güler, H. (2022). "Be a Better Version of You": A corpus-aided critical discourse analysis of MOOC platforms' marketing communication. Linguistics and Education, 69,

Mısır, H. & Gürbüz, N. (2022). 'I like my accent but...': EFL teachers' evaluation of English accent varieties. Language Awareness, 31.

Topal, P. & Yiğitoğlu Aptoula, N. (2022). Going beyond the post-observation's interactional agenda: The observers' references to their practices and pedagogical understandings. Linguistics and Education, 69,


Efeoğlu-Özcan, E.,  Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y. & Işık-Güler, H. (2021). Why Do Adults Use Baby Talk in the Online Space? Baby Talk as a Pragmatic Face Device in Adult Communication. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 


Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y. & Işık-Güler, H. (2020). Discourses of Exclusion and Hate in the Online Space: #ülkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum (#idontwantsyriansinmycountry), Discourse, Context & Media, 36, 1-10.